Sunday, November 28, 2010

a road trip

There is adventure and then there is doing epic shit (as Jeremy's t-shirt said)... Over the years i've done some serious drives but the journey from Melbourne to Noosa was perhaps the most epic. 3660km were covered in 12 days. The three of us got close, became friends forged in adventure...

the trip was made to photograph for the masters project that required some Australian masculine types and for this i wanted to include photographs of men that had some influence on my life. So portraits were made of my father, cousin and best friend from school as well as to Gary one of our Canberra friends and Rohan, whom i've known since near birth. Along the way we encountered the western plains in all their vastness, a big prawn near fading away and a WW2 bomber for sale on the side of the road...

I'm hoping later in the year to make a blurb book up of this trip.

Left: Martin Lum 
below: Jeremy Sy

A new start.

 The whole website is under review. As the last site was high maintenance as it was all hand coded (something i'm not good at nor like) I've decided to take a different approach to this one, I will be using various web based technologies in order to make full site with a few parts built from the ground up. The last site was put up 6 years ago, so it's due for replacement! It would have been done earlier except a Masters of Arts has got in the way. That is now coming to an end and it's time to set myself up for the next five year plan.

This blog will work with my Facebook for friends and by itself for a larger audience. It will concern itself with the art and photography made in our practice, as well as the observations and the odd review. Beware i am not a writer, it doesn't come naturally to me, so some blogs will be images. This will in part complement my flickr account as well which has served as my 'visual blog' for the last 3 years.

the old blog may be viewed at