Thursday, January 17, 2013

An Open Letter to Churches & Christians concerned about Sex

I studied theology to become a pastor of a conservative evangelical church. I became very disenchanted with the emphasis on sex and not on the sins that most effect developed society. Why do you spend so much time fighting homosexuality, when gluttony and greed is mentioned so many more times in the new testament, when the concept
'gay' as we know it was only conceived in the 1800s? 

The church refuses to face up to the challenge of this day, instead follows the American lead and makes sex the issue because the church feels that this can appeal to the prejudices of if's congregations without upsetting them about greed? It is pathetic that a church, that is about 'love', harbours so much hate for a group that just wants equal rights, while the church wants special rights to make society obey, what they consider their mission. Sorry? What? yYou are meant to be a witness to society, not legislate morality! (show me where in the new testament that Jesus, Paul or any other writer says, pressure Rome to legislate morality)! Yet in Christian circles this is rarely challenged. Church history showed me that when Constantine did this, the Church started having it's problems. 

In the new testament, you have 1Corth, that says a man being 'with' a man is wrong, but you don't bother looking at the history in this passage. I have read in many places that it is NOT referring to love between two men, it is instead referring to fertility rituals in pagan sects (which no doubt is why God/Paul was so upset with the practice, it wasn't about sex it was about trusting in another god.) Now if this passage is not about sex (per se) then there is only general passages about immorality (which, btw, are directed at hetrosexuals!) in the new testament 

When the Church makes a big fuss about sex, it tends to make it's congregations and society more curious and get itself caught up. I'm sure Rome's problems are no stranger to you. As I'm sure, equally, the Church of England's problems with pedophilia nor Hillsong Church in Sydney, where it's founding pastor was gaoled for sexual assault on underage children.

The Church is a minority in most places in the world and is going to face issues from islam and secularism. The Church would do well to promote societies where plurality is the norm, so that the Church can survive. Again your job is to be witness to the life changing effect of believing. If you make me obey your rules without love for Christ, I will resent you. This goes for most people. This makes the Church's mission so much harder.

Of course, if you hold the views that i'm challenging I seriously doubt you've read down this far. This is a bit to challenging to fundamentalism. No doubt you will cast my arguments aside, and consider yourself holy for doing so. I doubt that God shares your culture, which dictates much of your interpretation of his message, remember Jesus didn't live in the 21st century and is more likely to be displeased with the Church as he was with the Temple. 

Where does it say in 1Corth or anywhere else in the new testament that the church should make other people's lives miserable and support sending them to gaol for sins with consenting adults? (don't give me quotes from the OT because you know you are in trouble... how much to buy your daughter for slavery again?) 

Being gay is not unlike being an ethnicity,it is something that cannot be changed. As we study it more we find that there are many people born intersex (that is gender ambiguous) as well as many who's development is not the same as the majority.(who do not make the leap from homosocial early adolescence to hetrosexual later adolescence). Even if homosexuals lived life as they do in China marrying and having babies, they are not hetrosexual, they are just trying to plicate people like you! While going off to parks and having sex with men, because you will not let them have a loving relationship with another man). Just because you cannot relate to their lives, doesn't make it any less real. I can assure you, from conversations with these men, they are not happy people. They often crushed people. 

Church supported slavery, segregation, racism and now often anti homosexuality or down right homophobic... what makes you think that in a generation that attitudes will not be the same towards homosexality as it is now for mixed marriages? it makes me sad, that the church willing to make a fool of itself, to be considered politically conservative.

Once again, it's about plurality, making space for the Church and christians in society. Consider this, if the majority is right, the Church should close! Jesus, Paul, John and the other tell us to love, and care for people. Creating division and hatred is not love.

I look forward to your considered reply.